ISO 17012 Guidelines for remote audits of management systems

ISO 17012 Remote audit standard in development

The ISO are developing a remote audit standard which will help many organizations, particularly multi site and global businesses.  The standard is going to be ideal especially useful where supply chains are extensive .  ISO 17012 is in the 17000 series for the use of remote methods for conducting audits of management systems. So all organizations  will be able to use it.  Because of this it will help them plan and conduct internal or external audits (i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd party audits) of management systems.

The general principles of auditing are incorporated. Therefpre the guidance will address specific conditions, possibilities and limitations for applying remote methods. The ISO 17012 standard will strengthen confidence in the use of remote methods for auditing management systems. This will help customers, regulators, accreditation bodies, certification bodies, scheme owners.  Also industry, employees, consumers and other interested parties. Using remote methods for management systems audits is not intended to completely replace regular onsite audit methods.  It is in the early stage of development.  The move to produce it was triggered by the Covid 19 pandemic when travel, visiting other premises and associated risks needed managing.