Gap Analysis ISO 9001 14001 45001


These GAP analyses will measure your current status against the individual Standard’s requirements.  A downloadable separate excel spreadsheet dedicated to each Standard is fully editable by you for your organisation. Scroll down to Peek inside.  Please remember when you buy, the download link will be in the “order received page” and additionally in an email to you.


Gap Analysis ISO 9001 14001 45001

You can use the hardcopy download GAP analysis ISO 9001, 14001, 45001 matrices to identify your current EHSQ performance. Also use them to transit from other Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems or high level systems.  You can use the detailed clause by clause guidance to plan for actions to achieve compliance to these Standards or create your own Integrated Management System.

A Gap Analysis ISO 9001, 14001, 45001 is essential for Top Management and other workers to see what actions need to be taken. It will appeal to practitioners, consultants and non specialist users. It will save users the time of reading the Standard, interpreting and researching its meanings and application.

Clauses Outlined in the Gap Analysis 

The matrix and clause by clause guide outlines the following clauses.  Clause 4, emphasises that both internal and external Interested Parties are important.  Because these include stakeholders, workers and members of the public all of whom will be affected by organisations.  Also Clause 5 on Leadership, lists the roles and responsibilities of top management, and the requirement for OH&S and other policies.  This clause includes the scope of the IMS.  Clause 6 is planning. This requires the assessment of risks and opportunities.  Therefore you will develop objectives to achieve those.  Whereas Clause 7 is Support dealing with the provision of resources, competence, awareness and communication.

Documented information in Clause 7

Auditing is primarily based on the organisations documented information. However note the increased likelihood of verbal interaction between auditors and top management. Documented information can be in any media, e.g.photographs, digital or audio and from any source.  Because Clause 8 Operation requires evidence of implementation of the planning objectives the hierarchy of controls will reduce risks to achieve objectives. Operation includes Procurement, see our Procurement Guide to ISO 45001. Also this clause included emergency planning. Clause 9 concerns Performance Evaluation, such as monitoring, measuring and auditing.  And this includes both internal and external auditing.  Effective documented information is crucial for Certification and accreditation.  ISO 17001 applies to auditing IMS and ISO 19011 compliance for certification bodies.  Clause 10 is Improvement which includes continual improvement and incident investigation.  You will need to learn from accidents, injuries, near misses, close calls and cases of ill health and implement corrective actions.

Save on certification cost

Don’t buy or purchase the standards or hire a consultant in the first instance.  Simply download our products for ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001

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